My attempt to create a story that goes along with my family tree.


1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue

1508 Michelangelo paints the Sistine Chapel

1513 Ponce de Leon discovers Florida

1517 Martin Luther's 95 Thesis starts the Reformation

1543 Copernicus publishes Heliocentric theory
1563 First recorded birth date in Simard family- Marsault Simard born in France
1564 Galileo and Shakespeare born
1580 Pierre Robert born in France, first recorded birth date in family
1606 Rembrandt born

1608 Samuel de Champlain founds Quebec, Galileo invents telescope 

1611 King James Version of the Bible completed

1616 Blood circulation discovered

1620 Pilgrims land at Plymouth Rock
1627 Siege of LaRochelle
1636 Harvard founded
1644 Gilles Gautreau sails to New France
1649 Jean Gautreau sails to New France
1653 Taj Mahal completed
1657 Pierre and Noel Simard set sail from France to New France
1661 Noel Simard and Madeline Racine married at Chateau Richer
1665 Louis Robert dit Lafontaine sails to New France
1685 Bach and Handel Born

1687 Isaac Newton publishes "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy

1692 Salem Witch Trials

1701 Prussia becomes a kingdom

1742 Edmond Halley born, discoverer of Halley's Comet

1752 Benjamin Franklin discovers electricity 

1754 French and Indian War begins

1756 Mozart born

1769 Steam engine patented 

1770 Beethoven born

1776 American Declaration of Independence

1789 French Revolution begins

1796 First successful smallpox vaccine given

1804 Lewis and Clark begin expedition of Louisiana Purchase

1825 Eire Canal opens

1829 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad opens, 1st major railroad in US

1831 Charles Darwin sails on the HMS Beagle

1835 Mark Twain born

1838 Photography invented

1841 Canada united

1845 Irish Potato Famine begins
1851 Charles (Simard) Seymour born
1853 Vincent van Gogh born
1854 Peter Meinz sails to the United States
1856 Theresa Pohl sail to the United States
1861 American Civil War Begins

1864 Louis Pasteur Invents pasteurization

1865 American Civil War ends, Peter Meinz and Theresa Pohl marry in MN

1867 US buys Alaska

1868 US transcontinental railroad completed
1874 Charles Simard and Charlotte Roberts marry in Michigan
1876 Telephone invented by Alexander Graham Bell
1878 Peter F. Meinz born
1891 Joseph Seymour born
1893 Henry Ford builds his first car

1895 X-rays discovered

1903 Wright brothers complete first airplane flight

1914 WWI begins

1918 WWI ends

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